GPS tracking based on LoRa 169/433/868/915 Mhz

Release time:2019-12-02

Connection : USB - Serial
Need : Chrome Browser
Need : 1 X Arduino Mega
Need : 1 X GPS
Need : 1 X SD card
Need : 2 X LoRa Modem

Function: Arduino Send GPS value to main base - Main base store data in Dataino Server

Lora Module: Ultra long range RF1276 from APPCONWIRELESS
LoRa is a new, private and spread-spectrum modulation technique which allows sending data at extremely low data-rates to extremely long ranges. The low data-rate (down to few bytes per second) and LoRa modulation lead to very low receiver sensitivity, means in this test means more than 10km.

· 1 - Base Station

Computer width internet connection and a LoRa modem connected into USB port .

Arduino Car Kit

· The metric box

Anduino Mega connected to serial 2 to GPS reciver, and Serial 1 to LoRa modem.
A SD card is used for store data.

The first test

· 10.6 Km on a path through urban centers, galleries and along the coast made with loops

The ratio of reception /transmission has been of 321/500
TX point
RX point

Create the Interface

· 1 - Set up a new project LoRa

Press icon cog to open project config

Add Gauge


2) Open the gauge slider.

· 3) Scroll to the GPS.

· 4) Add one to the desk.

Drag gauge GPS and add OpenStreetMap

· 5) Add OpenStreetMap map to desk

Dragging the component GPS on the icon map, OpenStreet map is generated.

Create the Interface

· 6) Change map refresh

Change the map refresh time from 5000 to 10000

Drag GPS gauge and add table log

· 7) Add a Table Log gauge.

By dragging the gauge above the GPS icon table is created gauge table log

· 8) Change table log refresh.

Change the map refresh time from 5000 to 10000

Adjust the position of the gauges

· 9) Drag gauges

adjust the position of the gauges by dragging them across the screen.

· 10) Save project

Get code

· 10) Activate code container

Button on top right button, select all and copy base code.

Arduino IDE

· 11) Paste code on Arduino IDE

· 12) Edit code

Add this line in the definition


//**                               LIBRARY                               **


#include <TinyGPS.h> // ++ GPS library

#include <SPI.h> // ++ SPI library

#include <SD.h> // ++ SD  library


//**                                  SD                                 **


// * SD card attached to SPI bus as follows:

// ** UNO:  MOSI - pin 11, MISO - pin 12, CLK - pin 13, CS - pin 4

// (CS pin can be changed) and pin #10 (SS) must be an output

// ** Mega:  MOSI - pin 51, MISO - pin 50, CLK - pin 52, CS - pin 53

// (CS pin can be changed) and pin #52 (SS) must be an output

// ** Leonardo: Connect to hardware SPI via the ICSP header

// Pin 4 used here for consistency with other Arduino examples

const int chipSelect = 53; // ++ SD pin selector


//**                                  GPS                                **


TinyGPS gps; // ++ GPS on Serial2

void gpsdump(TinyGPS &gps); // ++

bool newdataGPS = false; // ++

Add this line in the setup()


//**                        GPS serial setup                           **


Serial2.begin( 9600 ); // ++

delay( 1000 ); // ++


//**                        SD  Initializing                           **


// make sure that the default chip select pin is set to  // ++

// output, even if you don't use it:                     // ++

pinMode( SS, OUTPUT ); // ++

Serial.println( F("Initializing SD card...") ); // ++

// see if the card is present and can be initialized:    // ++

if (!SD.begin(chipSelect)) { // ++

Serial.println( F("Card failed, or not present") ); // ++

// don't do anything more:                             // ++

return; // ++

} else { // ++

Serial.println( F("SD card OK") ); // ++

} // ++

Add this lines in loop() void

serialEvent2(); // ++ call GPS serial event

Add SeriaEvent2 code


//**                         GPS serialEvent                             **


void serialEvent2() { // ++

while (Serial2.available()) { // ++

char c =; // ++

//Serial.print(c);  // uncomment to see raw GPS data   // ++

if ( gps.encode(c) ) { // ++

newdataGPS = true; // ++

break; // uncomment to print new data immediately!  // ++

} // ++

} // ++

} // ++

Add GPS dump voud


//**                            gps dump                                 **


//**  The valid range of latitude in degrees is -90 and +90 .            **

//**  Longitude is in the range -180 and +180                            **

//**  specifying the east-west position                                  **

//**  "123456789 1234567890"                                             **

//**  "000.00000;0000.00000"                                             **


void gpsdump(TinyGPS & gps) // ++

{ // ++

int year; // ++

byte month, day, hour, minute, second, hundredths; // ++

unsigned long age; // ++

gps.f_get_position( &LATGP00, &LONGP00, &age ); // ++

gps.crack_datetime( &year, &month, &day, &hour, // ++

&minute, &second, &hundredths,